
Note: If you are a Wize Move Society member, please go to the community eVillage to access the discounted training.

Wize To Move & Breathe

On-Demand Program
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Product Details

This is a watch-on-demand product on YouTube. Please register with the same email you use to sign into your YouTube account.


We bring this program because we believe that

💙 actively working on our physical, mental and emotional health is essential in this time of huge demographic changes and longevity
💙 this growing group of people over50, over60 will have a huge impact at all levels of society, including healthcare
💙 we need to prepare ourselves to work much longer than we imagined when we started our career…we need to be physically and mentally able to do so


🍀 7 videos of max 15 minutes
🍀 focus on different aspects of our body like: Breath, Balance, Posture, Flexibility, Mindfulness, Meditation and so much more.
🍀 24/7 access to the videos, and the instructions
🍀 start whenever you want
🍀 use it whenever and how often you want
🍀 you can make it a 7-day or a 7-week challenge to improve your health


By purchasing this program, you indicate that you agree with the following:

I understand that any activities I undertake during Deborah Marcia Rubin / Wize Move Society, ‘Wize to Move and Breathe’ sessions may require physical exertion that could cause injury.

I understand I should use caution and only practice to my own comfort level. I am fully aware of the risks involved and I will discontinue any exercise that causes pain or discomfort.

I will advise my physician if my health status changes. I have also listed any health concerns that should be considered.

I hereby agree to assume full responsibility for any manner of loss, injury, claim or damage whatsoever, known or unknown, incurred as a result of same and I release Deborah Marcia Rubin / Wize Move Society’s online program and waive any claim against them as a result of my attendance and/or participation.

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Wize To Move & Breathe